2025 Ministry Workshop:
”Grow For It”
Take just a moment to hear from James Emery White about the upcoming workshop! ⬇️
The livestream of the annual Church & Culture Ministry Workshop is coming up on Thursday, March 20 from 1 - 4 p.m. (ET). The spring workshop is designed for ministry leaders and their teams to learn and grow in their respective areas of ministry.
When Mecklenburg Community Church (Meck) closed out 2024, it looked back on a year where in-person auditorium attendance had climbed 19%, children's ministry attendance by 18%, and baptisms by 88%. 2025 began with breaking high-attendance records not once, but twice, in the month of January alone. This year's Spring Ministry Workshop will focus on how your church can grow numerically by reaching the unchurched. Led by Dr. James Emery White, senior pastor of Meck, you will gain practical insights and principles, steps and strategies, to take your church to the next level of impact. Tiered pricing is available for those who would like multiple team members to participate. Along with access to the livestream event, you’ll also be able to watch the sessions on demand for six weeks. Keep reading below for details about this year’s sessions.
Growing your church is fueled by effectively marketing your church and through the creation of a culture of invitation. The combination of marketing and inviting creates a synergy of growth. In this workshop you will learn how to market your church effectively and foster a culture of invitation among your attenders.
There are two front doors into every church - and the first is digital. The vast majority of people will explore your church online before they even think about attending in person. So, how open is your online front door? In this session, you will learn the principles and practices needed to make sure that first-time impression is a positive and lasting one.
The second front door to your church is the one most are familiar and comfortable with - the physical door to an in-person experience. But how do you make that experience one that results in a positive first impression, and a second and third return visit? What does an "open front door" look like in today's world, as opposed to what it looked like even five years ago? This session will give you an inside look into what is marking Meck's very intentional efforts to open the door wide.
Tiered Pricing
In order to serve individuals and groups of all sizes, tiered pricing is available for the 2025 C&C Ministry Workshop. Pricing is as follows:
Group A (1-2 attenders) $30
Group B (3-5 attenders) $80
Group C (6-10 attenders) $160
Group D (Up to 20 attenders) $280
Group E (21+ attenders) $380