Parent-Child Turning Points

Whether you are a parent or the child of one (i.e. all of us), understanding the parenting dynamic as you go through the seasons of life is one of the most critical life-skills to master. If you are a parent, you are probably overwhelmed with parenting information, but hunger for true parenting wisdom as your child grows and mature. You know that your parenting challenges change as they age, but do you know how?

If you are a child, particularly high school and college-aged, you want freedom from your parents, as well as intimacy. Do you know how that best plays out? And for those past the parenting years, but perhaps reflecting back on your family of origin, understanding what did (or did not) go well can be a source of great insight and healing. James Emery White - himself a father of four and grandfather of twelve and counting - examines the key turning points that take place between children and their parents.

Individual Messages:
1 - When They Turn Two: The Time to Shape the Will
2 - When They Turn Eight: The Time to Deepen the Relationship
3 - When They Turn Twelve: The Time to Focus on Communication
4 - When They Turn Eighteen: The Time to Let Go