Being Church

As Jesus Himself said, "... I will put together my church, a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of hell will be able to keep it out…" (Matthew 16:18, Msg). Then Jesus went on and described the nature of this church - what it would look like, how it would operate, what it would be. And "be" is the operative word. The church is not an organization; it's an organism. It's not a corporation; it's a community. It's not a "religion," but a revolution. In this series, James Emery White will help you discover how to be the church in such a way as to impact and influence not only the people around you, but our culture as well - and it will be in ways you may have never imagined.

Individual Messages:
1 - Learning
2 - Loving
3 - Worshiping
4 - Evangelizing