Saint West
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have another child, and they have given it a not-unexpected unique name.
"Saint West."
Without a doubt, people can become "saints."But its significance cannot be bestowed by a parent.
If you are in a relationship with Christ as your Forgiver and Leader – if you have crossed that line – you have been declared positionally, by God, to be a saint. That's how God views you, that's who He has declared you to be, that's who you are.
The word itself means "Those who are set apart," meaning someone who is no longer part of a world of sin. Someone who no longer has sin staining them, stenching them, attaching itself to them. In declaring you a saint God is in essence saying, "You are no longer what you were, or who you were. Whatever you have done, however you have lived, will not be the final word, much less the defining reality of your life."
But there's more to the identity that awaits us in Christ than merely being declared a saint by God positionally through forgiveness. He also wants to develop us into saints functionally. When you become a Christian, God has a very clear agenda for your life. It's to take your life, and have you become the person He has declared you to be.
So I congratulate Kanye and Kim on the birth of their baby boy.
My prayer is that he becomes his name.
James Emery White